My Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00 |
Money Raised to Date: $1,679.00 |
| If you are unable to donate online, please print out a donation form. |
| Live, love, laugh, and be Bald!!
| While
I am thrilled to be participating in the Komen Walk for the first time,
and even more excited to be the honorary captain of Team Heather, I
never thought in a million years that I would be walking as a
"survivor." I was diagnosed on September 2, 2005 and began treatment
soon after. It's been a hell of a journey so far, but I am happy to say
that this past Wednesday I completed my last round of chemo. I still
have some additional drug therapy, but the side effects will be a piece
of cake, compared to the last 6 months. Friends and family have
been the key to getting through this. My children have been like angels
from Heaven, sent here just to pick me up on those days when the
darkness gets the better of me. My husband, who has been like a rock,
was the inspiration behind this photo - our Christmas card. We had a
great time doing it, and even more fun hearing peoples' reactions.
Team Heather has set a goal of $30,000. Please help us reach this goal
by making a donation.With your help and support, the dream of finding a
cure will soon become a reality......won't that be a great day!
God bless,
Julie |